like i said in this post, i like to take an occasional 'Katie day'. just me and relaxation ;) there's not really a budget to this, but here's my idea of a perfect you-day:
1. sleep in - i like to make these days on a Sunday because Sundays are always lazy days :)

2. make yourself a hot chocolate and some microwave pancakes

3. slap on some yoga pants, a scarf, a cozy shirt and head out the door while playing your Ed Sheeran CD in the car

4. now go to the movie theater -- pick a movie and enjoy the time to yourself! (unless there's someone at the theater that you know, then that's kinda weird)

5. after the movie, head to McD's and grab yourself an M&M McFlurry. yumm those things are good

6. come back home and do your nails, or something of the sort

7. chill -- read a magazine or read some blogs

8. go out and grab a $5 Little Caesers pizza and enjoy every bite

9. (this one's my favorite) take a bubbly bath! make it really warm, bring in your favorite magazines, your iPod, your phone, and relax

10. get out, put lotion on your legs, grab some desert, and cozy up in bed

great, right?!
make a day like this sometime and i guarentee you'll feel so good at the end of the day! :)
7. chill -- read a magazine or read some blogs
8. go out and grab a $5 Little Caesers pizza and enjoy every bite
9. (this one's my favorite) take a bubbly bath! make it really warm, bring in your favorite magazines, your iPod, your phone, and relax
10. get out, put lotion on your legs, grab some desert, and cozy up in bed
great, right?!
make a day like this sometime and i guarentee you'll feel so good at the end of the day! :)
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