I was reading though some blogs and I got to one that I follow,
Catarina! She did a post about a list of happy things and said she's going to make it a series every month. What a good idea! I kind of want to do the same. Just like I do a monthly '
currently' post, I think I'll start a monthly 'happy' post!
So here we go... here are 5 things I'm happy for right now!
14 days left of the semester
Words cannot describe how ready I am for this semester to be over. I won't go on about it again since I think I've brought it up 1000 times on this blog, but let's just say I'm ready.
Exercise classes
At this school there are free exercise classes everyday and it's awesome! I love classes because they tell me what to do and motivate me to go. There are so many options too - usually on Mondays I do ab lab, Tuesdays are yoga, and Wednesdays are cycling and restorative yoga. It's great!
New adventures
I've also said this a lot, so I'll try to keep it short. I feel like a broken record, sorry! My parents are officially moved into the new house and that's so scary to me! Crazy that Christmas won't be spent in our home. My friends and I are trying to plan our 'girl's night' Christmas and it's tough now that I won't get home until the 23rd and have to also drive to get to them! However, I'm thankful that next semester I'm going to move to Boston and live up there. I'm so so ready to move on from Springfield.
Duh! This should have been #1, honestly. I'm done Christmas shopping and now all that's left is to wrap them all! I'm so excited! It's so fun seeing Christmas lights and trees and hearing Christmas music all the time. I just love it. I wish, so badly, that I was going back to PA sooner, but I guess we can't have it all!
Best friends
I'm so thankful for the friends in my life. I love that we've all been friends since elementary school and we continue to get together as if we were never apart. I'm so glad that we will always be there for each other and spend all major occasions together. I miss them so much while at school, but at least we talk all the time and sill be back together soon!
What are you happy about lately? Send me links - I'd love to read! Thanks again to
What Cat Says for this post idea!