Saturday, January 26, 2013


1) nights when my parents want to play the I Love Lucy board game = the best nights
2) picked this up at Salvo for $2! LOVE this movie!
3) i can't describe how much i love randomly Skyping with Alexandra on the weekends. we catch each other up on everything and act as if we're really in the same room together. i miss her too much.
4) it's gotten the coldest in York it's been in probably 2 years! it got down to about 11 degrees here a couple days ago... that was WAY rough. i think it's time for warm weather now.
oh and call me nuts, but i love this song:
hehe... i mean don't you want to dance? kind of? and i guess just because it's about thrift stores.. and i love thrift stores. i really want to take a trip to Goodwill soon! i've NEVER been there! i usually go to Salvation Army and i want to see what else is here in good ol' York ;)