Sunday, November 17, 2013

if i had a boy...

I know, I know. I'm a senior in high school and what am I saying I need a boy for? Just because it would be fun, that's why.
How awesome would it be to have a best friend that's with you all the time, compliments you, snuggles with you, goes on cute dates with you, watches movies with you? How does it feel to be kissed? One other huge reason I can't wait to leave high school is because I'll be away from all the people who have never and probably will never ask me to prom or want to go out with me. It's getting pretty old, and I would like some fresh faces to see me every day. Have a different opinion about me. You know?
I'd be an awesome date. We'd go on picnics...
(16) Tumblr
Have constant movie nights...
Dream house / Attic Theater
Bake and cook together...
We'd go on adventures all the time...
I'd make him the best gifts for Christmas and birthdays...
So all in all, I want a boy. One to be nice to me and make me happy. They seem pretty nice and I've heard their hugs are wonderful.
that's it.
Thanks for listening to my rant. Ya know, boiz.
all pictures from We Heart It


Jennifer M. said...

I hear you. You'll never been too old to want these things. ;)