hello all! i haven't blogged in a few days... oops :/ but at least it's Thursday! and *cough* my birthday is in 3 days *cough*
anyway.. today was kind of a weird day. the electricity went out during school, which is always fun ;) and then they had to reset the clocks, which looked like some sort of scene out of The Twilight Zone.
but i'm pretty sure the electricity went out because of a SOLAR FLAREEE. crazy stuff.
so-lar flare (noun): A brief eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun's surface.

in other news - did any of you see Demi Lovato: Stay Strong on MTV Tuesday? it was soo good! i love Demi, and that documentary really made me love her even more.

lastly, it was so very nice out here the past 2 days! like, 70 degrees worth of nice. fabulous! i just want it to stay like this now. it was so awesome being able to walk outside and not be cold! in fact... let's just skip ahead to Summer. yes?
phew - so how was your week? anything exciting happen?
I'm so excited for summer and nice weather! We had some last week but it's rained all day today! And is supposed to rain all weekend! Boo.
i know right! i'm so tired of cold weather. i think it's supposed to get cold again here this weekend :/
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