i haven't told you about the Demi Lovato and HCR concert i'm going to on Saturday yet? no?! what's wrong with me. well, if you follow me on Twitter, you would know that i am going and that i'm far more excited for it than i can describe.

both from We Heart It
it's pretty much my 2 favorites on one stage, people!! ahh! also, if you follow me on Twitter, you would know that i had a small (just kidding - supersized!) problem, and i almost couldn't find anyone to take with me! i almost had to sell my tickets, folks! can you imagine?!
but thank God my cousin stepped in and is taking me. we don't talk too too often, so i have a feeling there will be more than several awkward moments, but hey, i'm going to see Demi! my cousin also still thinks she's from Disney and will singing Disney songs blah blah blah. oh boy :/
ahh, well! t'will be much fun!!
p.s. happy real first day of Summer! :)
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