Friday, March 27, 2015


(Photo by Janine Tollady)
Loving: That the snow is melting! Finally! There is still a bunch on the ground, but it's slowly but surely starting to melt here in Massachusetts. Also, going to the gym. Lately I've been going a lot and I can tell that I've been loving it because I get exited to go once I wake up in the morning. The machines here at my school have a TV in each, which is awesome because when I can watch what I want it definitely makes the time go by faster, haha!
Watching: Hmmm pretty sure I've put this one on here before, but The Office! Old-y but good-y. I've been watching it on a constant loop in Netflix for so many months and it never gets old. I don't think I'll ever bring myself to enjoy the episodes after Steve Carell leaves though. Is anyone else like that?
Anticipating: A lot of things... but mostly warn weather I guess. I feel like this Winter has gone on for 3847 years and I'm SO ready for it to be over. But we're also selling our house and moving, so I'm excited to get into the new house. Plus, I've picked out my room and roommate for next school year and I'm pretty excited for that, but that's a while away. And this Summer I have a wedding and a bunch of awesome stuff I'm really excited for. So, yeah! A lot!
Listening to: Oh, so much!! I really need to do a music post, because there have been so many great songs out lately. I love it. Whiskey by Marian HillArmy of Me by Bjork, Reflections by MisterWives, Cake Boy by Hoodie Allen, and so many more!
Working on: Trying to be more positive about everything in my life. I really need to enjoy the present and take in all the chances I have. I find myself constantly thinking about the future and all the things I could be doing with my life, and I just really need to take some time to make those things happen and focus on the now. I've really struggled this year with a lot of things and I'm really trying to just be happy and love my life right where I am.
Wishing: ...awkward. This one kind of contradicts my last paragraph, but I wish that I was doing more with my life. I feel like I'm just sitting in this dorm room wasting my life and not doing anything I really love to do. I want to change that, but it's actually pretty hard to change. I really wish that I could go out into the world and experience things that I've always wished to experience. Do I just have really high expectations in life or am I really just wasting my says sitting here at a college I don't even completely love?
Thanks for reading! What's currently going on in your life? Link back to me!