Loving: 40s on 40 station in the car. it's my new guilty pleasure! and i really can't even tell you why. 40s music just makes me happy -- or at least happier than the music of today does! think what you will.
Making me happy: Fall! how could Fall not make you happy? even though nature is dying, the colors of the leaves are beautiful and the caramel apple spice at Starbucks never tasted better!
Watching: New Girl! it's back! gotta love that show. oh - and 13 nights of Halloween on ABC Family! you can't go though October without watching that!
Anticipating: Thanksgiving! i know i should be anticipating Halloween a little more, but Thanksgiving just gives me a fuzzy feeling. i skip school the day before and we go out to breakfast, then have a wonderful Thanksgiving day, and then Black Friday! hopefully my friends and i meet up and shop again like last year!
Listening to: Ed Sheeran! i finally got his CD and i'm so so in love. i think if i keep listening to it i'll get tired of it, but that doesn't seem to be happening! check out his song Wake Me Up -- soooo pretttty!
Working on: looking better in the mornings. at least my head! like i've said before, i put my hair in a bun every singe day and then just add some mascara and eye liner. but this summer i got obsessed with eye shadow (check!) and i just got a new curling iron! so all i need to do now i get up earlier.... :/
Wishing: (i had my license by now ;)
*i'm not sure if i've said this before, but i got the 'currently' post idea from Danielle over at Sometimes Sweet!
make it a great Tuesday!!
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