so, if you didn't know, im a junior in high school. which is around the time a person usually starts thinking about what they want to do with their life.. you know. college. and up until this point i had no idea what i was going to do. even though i still have a good amount of time, i was actually getting a little scared because i seriously had NO idea what to go to school for!
i think i found what i want to do though! (!!!) art therapy! i've looked it up and even gone farther and looked at schools that offer it. i'm really loving the idea of art therapy! what i love even more, though, is finally finding something to do, and this particular something has really caught my eye.

but then i want to make sure it's something i want to do, because i don't want to waste money on 4 years of school and then become a wedding planner (what i really wanted to be for a while).
argh. it's hard growing up! but i just needed to put that out there somewhere - i love knowing that i think i've finally found what i want to major in, though! and i think it's perfect for me.

anyone have any more info about art therapy that they'd like to share with me? i'd really love it!
thanks for listening to my life story ;) it's exciting, though!!
Yes! Art therapy is an awesome idea! You should totally look into it. Even if, in the future, you decide to take a job that isn't art therapy - it is always useful to have a degree. Also, you could incorporate art therapy into basically whatever you end up doing. Go for it girl!
thanks so much for your comment and feedback! i'm really interested in it. it makes me feel better to know that i can do it and still be able to do other things.thanks again!
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