Sunday, June 26, 2016

5 happy things

1. Reading in a warm bath
I love self care (if you can't tell) and I love taking baths. Recently, I've been trying to put my phone down for a bit and every few nights a week, I'll take a bath, read a book, and wear a nice face mask. It's the most relaxing, simplest thing you can do for yourself.

2. Reading a book and watching the movie right away
Do you sense a theme here? I would never have called myself a reader, but lately I've been reading all the time. My friend, Alexandra, and I have been reading books at the same time and then watching the movies that we've never seen before. The most recent was Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - we both had never seen the movie or read the book, so we read it at the same time, then watched the movie, and discussed our thoughts.

3. Alone time
The other night my parents went out to dinner with friends and my sister was at camp, so it was just my dog and me. It was SO great. My parents rarely leave the house, so it was a nice change of pace. The house was quiet, it was a cozy, rainy night, I got Chipotle and watched Degrassi. It was perfection!

4. Old friends
For some reason, this Summer I've been bumping into and hanging out with so many old friends. It's awesome! Last Summer I didn't hang out with anyone from high school, so I kind of thought it was just over with those friends. Everyone moves on! It's nice getting back together with them all, though.

5. Open windows
The second floor of my house gets really hot, so when we open the windows it's almost cooler. I just love the fresh air, the openness, and everything. I can't really explain it, but the feeling of having the windows open just makes me feel better.