Sunday, October 16, 2011


ok so i lied. procrastination took over and i never got a chance to upload the pictures :/ i waited to do A LOT of stuff today! i made a ghost to ghost someones house, and that took forever because since i'm the first person to start it, i had to makeup the paper and all that. the  i was going to give them a little goodie bag, but i couldn't find the lollipops i usually keep stored in my closet. then i remembered that my mom had to change everything around and she won't admit it, but she threw away like half the stuff in my room. it makes me so mad!!!! at least admit it!!! so looking for candy for the stupid thing took an hour itself, and i didn't even end up finding any. not even a little bag of pretzels! nothing!

oh, and i feel badly, but i went back to that shop i was telling you about last weekend, and i didn't take any pictures :( i had my camera and everything, but there was only like 5 people in there and my camera makes a sound when it takes the picture, so i felt really awkward hehe but while at the store, but my dad got an old coat rack (well actually, he had no money on him, so i bought it) and i was going sand it and re-paint it, but it has 2 layers of other paint on it, so it would take about 249728 years to sand. so my dad is going to strip the paint off and i'm going to paint it another day. but while i was there, i got an old map of NYC that i have a cool idea for, a black and white picture of the ocean, and something that i'm going to use for a gift for someone! :)! and for some reason i didn't have to pay for any of my stuff! only the coat rack! the 3 things i wanted were only about $1 total anyway haha

plus homework and stuff. oh and you know when i was telling you about how i'm mad that my mom moved everything in my room? well i got so mad looking for EVERY SINGLE THING in my room, that i just moved everything back to its original spot! gah it's so much better. no more naked spot, having my movie box in a random part of my room, lifting my printer off my table to get stuff out if it, and i even brought my bean bag back up! yayayay. although i do miss having a table next to me here, because i would put my feet up on it :/ ah well, this is more like it! :)

ok well, tomorrow FURSURE!

have a great week! where did that weekend go?