I've read quite a few books the past month and a half. I'm really surprised at myself! Granted, most of them were for school, but some were really interesting. I thought I'd do a post about the books I've read and write my recommendation!
{How cute is this idea?!}
Freaks, Geeks, and Asperger Syndrome by Luke Jackson
I had to read this one for a psychology class of mine, so I probably wouldn't have picked it up if I were wandering the book store. I wanted to write about it though, because I opened it and finished it in probably 2 hours. SO GOOD. It was written by Luke, a 13 year old with Aspergers, and it's written extremely well. I think it's more to educate than anything else, but it's really interesting. It's a quick, easy read, so try to check it out if you have the chance!
One Plus One by Jojo Moyes
I've heard good things about this author, so one day when I was walking around the book store (the one pictured below - I probably go there every other day!) I found 2 of her books in the used book section. I read the back of each and went with this one. I scored it for about $6! I'm actually not finished, I'm only a few chapters in, so I can't say too much about my opinion. So far it's keeping me intrigued and I wish I had more time to read it!
{Arranging my bookself}
{My favorite book store, currently. Also, home of the Blind Date with a Book pictured above!}
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman
So, this was one I had to read for school. not my favorite, but I thought I'd put it on here just in case anyone was looking for something specific! It's about a Hmong family who moves to Merced, CA and their daughter, Lia, has severe seizures. They work with the hospital and a social worker and try to get her better. There are a lot of ups and downs for the family as they try to make Lia better. Of course I won't ruin the end, but this one teaches you a little something about social work, as well as entertains you with the drama that is going on surrounding the family. Hmm... did I do a good job at making that sound really interesting?!
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
I think you all know what this one's about! I really loved it. I thought it was helpful for me to read given all the change I've been going through. It's important to remember that we can do whatever we want! If out hearts are telling us to move on, then let's move on. Now I need to watch the movie! Late on the bandwagon, I know.
Anyway, that's it for now. I was reading The Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama, and that was super interesting, but I had to set it down for a bit. It was a fun read, but I also wanted to learn and take away from it, so it was a lot to think about with all the other readings I had to do.
Sorry for the wordy post! What have you been reading?
These books sound wonderful! I love reading and am trying to make more time for it.
I am as well, Shannon!
thanks for the book recommendations!
lu | Coco&Louis
No problem, Lu!
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