around this time, since tennis starts tomorrow, i start getting excited about Fall. i'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, because i also start thinking about school, and not fun Summer stuff like i should be :/ but that's ok, because i love Fall! there are so many more outfit choices and it's just a cozy season! so here's a Fall inspired post :)

now, aren't you excited too?! ;) i also just got the Birdy CD, which for some reason also makes me anxious for Fall. if you follow me on Twitter, you heard me say how Birdy makes me want to put on a sweater, light a candle, and write a letter. similar to how i feel in Fall! check her out!
The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
I am SUPER excited for everything fall - the clothes, the weather, pumpkin flavored everything - it's the best :)
ahh, i love it! now i'm even more excited! :)
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